Work Started On Domestic Travel Bubble Policy

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PRIME Minister Manasseh Sogavare in his national address on Monday has revealed that Cabinet on Thursday last week has approved the, ‘Iumi Tugeda Support Domestic Tourism Travel Bubble Policy’.

Prime Minister Sogavare in his address, announced that the Ministry of Tourism & Culture in partnership with the Ministry of Communication and Aviation, Ministry of Public Service, Tourism Solomons and Solomon Airlines have commenced work on a domestic travel bubble policy.

“More detail on the policy implementation framework will be made known in the coming weeks,” he stated.

Prime Minister Sogavare also noted that despite the active cases of COVID-19 in the country, the progress work on the implementation of the MOU’s signed between the Ministry of Tourism & Culture with the provinces of Malaita, Isabel and Central are progressing well.

It is understood that the Tourism Sector has been hit hard with the current COVID-19 situation. This is because the sector depends very much on revenue from International Tourists and travelers visiting the country. But since COVID-19 Pandemic started this year and travelling was restricted, the Tourism Sector has seen a huge drop in revenue.

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