Pasifik Family Meet At Expo 2020 Dubai to Support Each Other
FELLOW Pacific Islanders converge Monday 25th October at Residence 2A Park within the proximity’s’ of the Expo 2020 Dubai site to acquaint ourselves since the opening of the largest show on earth on 30th September.
Commissioner Generals and their Deputy’s present were Dennis Marita of the Solomon Islands, Joe Pakoa Lui of Vanuatu, Ms Silati Tufuola Timo of Tuvalu, Jacinta Manua of Papua New Guinea together with Miriama Lote Lima and John Lemoa of Samoa.

Tonga’s Pavilion Director Mr Tele Faletau in welcoming the gathering said that since the opening of the Expo, “Our Pacific People have been basically stuck minding their respective Pavilions”, and that he was grateful for the idea mooted initially by Tuvalu Commissioner General Ms Silati Tufuola Timo, that a get together be organized to enable us all to meet as a Pacific Family.
Mr Talefatu also reflected on the first meeting held on Friday 8th October in which Tonga’s Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates Honourable A’Kau’ola had chaired the first ever meeting of Pacific Island Ambassador’s at the Tonga Pavilion and where the concept of engaging each other and adopting a collective approach strategy at the Expo 2020 Dubai was proposed and agreed upon.
Mr Faletau in conveying his appreciation to the gathering said that the outcomes of our meeting on Monday 25th October will need to be referred back to the Pacific Islands Ambassador’s for their endorsement and blessings.
Discussions also centered on the possibility of planning and coordinating a Pacific Event program which will see our collective participation throughout the next five months so that we can help promote our Pacific collectively.
Mr Faletau added that Ms Timo and Mr Kelepi Abariga from the Solomon Islands Pavilion will be further tasked to map out an Event programme schedule which will assist all Pacific Islands taking part at Expo 2020 Dubai to stay engaged in helping us to collectively promote our Oceania during the event.
Suggestions were also raised by the various members present on how we can all contribute in helping to achieve our collective objectives as fellow Pacific Peoples present at the Expo 2020 Dubai.
As typical in any Pacific Island function or event, the gathering certainly enjoyed the evening with the common sharing of a meal, singalong, contemporary performances by Tuvalu and Tonga and the opportunity of getting to know each other better as we collectively approach the next five months of the Expo as ‘One Pacific Family’.
Featured image: Members of the Dubai Pacific Family at the event. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Source: GC