Tourism Solomons Facebook Page Now Second Most Popular in Solomon Islands

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HAVING passed the 44,000 ‘followers’ milestone this week, Tourism Solomons’ ‘Visit Solomons Islands’ Facebook page is now the second most viewed in the Solomon Islands.

The ‘Visit Solomons Islands’ page is currently the national tourist office’s key vehicle with which to reach the outside world since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Applauding her team’s efforts in achieving the result, Tourism Solomons Head of Sales & Marketing, Fiona Teama said the social media platform had, and particularly in the 18 month period since the onset of the pandemic, become integral to Tourism Solomons’ international marketing efforts and overall wider engagement with the outside world.

“While we have always maintained a strong presence via several social media channels, nothing comes close to what we have managed to achieve with facebook,” Ms Teama said.

“In the last 28 days alone, we have reached over 191,000 people.

“The platform has become vital in our efforts to keep the Solomon Islands top of mind and competitive on the world tourism stage and with that in mind we look forward to hitting the 50,000 mark in short time.

“While 44,000 is not huge by global standards, this is huge for us and particularly so given the interaction we are seeing from our audience.”

The current top 10 most popular facebook pages in the Solomon islands are as follows:

1          Solomon Airlines                                 47,955 followers

2          Visit Solomons Islands                        44,291 followers                    

3          Chai Comedians                                  43,607 followers

4          Solomon Islands Football Federation 40,213 followers

5          Solomon Star News                            34,593 followers

6          Australian High Commission               27,835 followers

7          Solomon Business Magazine              27,011 followers

8          Our Telekom                                       22,635 followers

9          Today Solomons                                 21,434 followers

10        Solomon Islands National University 20,034 followers

Data correct as of 4.00pm, Friday, 29 October 2021.

Source: Tourism Solomons Press Release

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