Journalists Undertook Economics of Tourism Training
LOCAL journalists from the different media organizations in the country have undertaken a five-day training on the Economics of Tourism.
The workshop training was held in the DD Holiday Inn Conference room at Lengakiki, West Honiara.
The workshop aims to support local journalists to attain more knowledge in the tourism sector, and on how to report on issues impacting the tourism sector in the country.
The journalists had the opportunity to receive first-hand information from representatives from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT), Tourism Solomons and other stakeholders from the government as well as from tourism operators. They also had the opportunity to visit the National Art Gallery and Barana Nature and Heritage Park and listen to the experiences of the artists and rangers.
When addressing the participating journalist on their first day of training, the MASI President Charles Kadamana said that tourism is a potential sector for the country but very little information has been shared with the public.
“Tourism is an important sector in the country but very little information and promotion being done to promote tourism in the country.
“This training is very useful for you journalists to help our tourism sector spread the message and promote it nationally and internationally,” MASI President Charles Kadamana said.
Island Sun senior female journalist Jennifer Kusapa described how important the training is for her.
“This workshop very important for me as it helps me to understand tourism as an important industry that the media should prioritize in their reporting,” she said.
Local Senior Journalist from Solomon Star, Ian McDonald also shared similar sentiments about the tourism training: “There are many workshops organized for local journalists in the country, but this is the first of its kind for tourism and it is from the training that I get to understand what is tourism, and also the working structure within the Ministry of Tourism and also how to promote tourism issues through the media.
MASI President also thanked the Australian High Commission through Strongim Business and PACMAS for organizing such an important workshop for Journalists to contribute to promoting tourism issues in the country through the media.
The workshop was organized by the Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) and was supported by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through Strong Bisnis and Pacific Media Assistance Scheme (PACMAS). Solomon Star, Island Sun, Sunday Isles, SIBC, Home-Grown Studio (IUMI NAO) and Melanesian News Network (MNN) participated in the workshop training.