Tinakula Festival Association Secures Silver Sponsor

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THE Tinakula Festival Association is eager to report that it has effectively gotten Tourism Solomons as the glad silver supporter for the impending Tinakula Festival of Arts and Culture, acording to a press statement.

The consenting of the sponsorship arrangement occurred on 30th June 2023, formally cementing the partnership between the two organisations.

The Tinakula Festival of Arts and Culture is a profoundly expected occasion that praises the rich social legacy of the Temotu Region, explicitly the dynamic traditions and customs of the Temotuans. This year, the celebration will be hung on the 28th and 29th of July at Solomon Islands National University (SINU) Village, filling in as a stage for local people and guests the same to submerge themselves in a dynamic feature of conventional music, dance, expressions, creates, and culinary enjoyments.

The official consenting to of the sponsorship arrangement occurred between Mr Noel Nelu, Chairman of the Tinakula Festival Association, and Mr Dagnal Dereveke, the Acting President of Tourism Solomons. Seeing the earth shattering occasion was Garred Porowai from Tourism Solomons and a recognized individual from the Tinakula Festival Association.

The two organisations communicated their excitement about the collaborations this organization will bring. The help from Tourism Solomons as a silver support will engage the Tinakula Festival Association to upgrade the general celebration experience and advance the Solomon Islands as a must-visit tourist location.

“We are really glad to have Tourism Solomons on board as our silver backer for the Tinakula Festival of Arts and Culture,” expressed Mr Noel Nelu, Chairman of the Tinakula Festival Association. “Their help and responsibility will without a doubt add to the outcome of the occasion, permitting us to grandstand the special practices of the Temotu nation to a more extensive crowd while cultivating social comprehension and appreciation.”

“Cooperating with the Tinakula Festival Association adjusts impeccably with Tourism Solomons central goal to advance the Solomon Islands as a socially different and energetic objective,” remarked Mr Garred Porowai. “We are pleased to help this critical occasion and accept that it won’t just improve the neighborhood local area yet in addition draw in guests from around the world.”

The Tinakula Celebration Affiliation stretches out its appreciation to Tourism Solomons for their liberal sponsorship and welcomes people in general to write in their schedules for the Tinakula Festival of Arts and Culture on July 28th and 29th at SINU Village. This two-day spectacle vows to be a festival of the Temotu social legacy that guests won’t have any desire to miss.

For additional information about the Tinakula Festival of Arts and Culture, kindly follow this Page for more. To look further into Tourism Solomons drives and the Solomon Islands as a tourist location, kindly visit the site; visitsolomons.com.sb

About Tinakula Festival Association: The Tinakula Festival Association is dedicated to preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the Temotu people in the Solomon Islands. Through the annual Tinakula Festival of Arts and Culture, the association aims to showcase the traditions, arts, and crafts of the Temotu community while fostering cultural exchange and appreciation.

About Tourism Solomon: Tourism Solomon is a leading organization responsible for marketing the Solomon Islands as a premier tourist destination. Through various initiatives, Tourism Solomons aims to attract visitors, boost the tourism industry, and showcase the unique cultural and natural wonders of the Solomon Islands to the world.

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