Titiru Eco Lodge: A Sustainable Legacy Led by Pana Paza

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PANA Paza, a local on Rendova Island in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands, has taken control of a privately run eco-tourism business, following the tradition of his late father, Kilo Paza, and mother, Esther Paza.

The business, Titiru Eco Lodge, was founded in 2012 and opened its doors to guests in 2014, offering a true Solomon Island experience. After the passing of his father in December 2021, Pana stepped in as the manager, now in his third year overseeing the family-owned lodge.

The Titiru lodge’s vision, deeply rooted in the Paza family’s values, aims to share the rich cultural and traditional stories of the Solomon Islands with visitors from around the world.

Owner of Tiriru Eco Lodge in Western province, Pana Paza. Photo supplied

“The most important thing to me working in the business is to be able to learn, preserve, and share the richness of our culture, our beautiful forest, and clear seas,” Pana shared in a recent interview with TOURISM MEDIA.

Pana’s dedication to preserving and promoting his heritage is evident in every aspect of the business. The Titiru Lodge Eco Lodge not only provides a unique cultural experience but also serves as a platform for educating the next generation about the importance of cultural values and environmental conservation.

“Being able to create a business that will not only open job opportunities for my family but also the community is one of my main motivations,” he said.

Influenced profoundly by his parents, Pana credits his mother as his greatest influencer, guiding him through the challenges and triumphs of running the business. One of the key lessons he has learned is the importance of planning.

Titiru Lodge in Western province. Photo supplied

“Making a business without a plan is just like a ship travelling without a compass and a destination,” Pana emphasised.

“Once you set your plans and work on them, you will see how opportunities just attract them for their fulfilment.”

The Titiru lodge primarily targets eco-travellers and adventurers who seek to immerse themselves in the local culture and explore the natural beauty of the Solomon Islands.

The eco-lodge is a simple yet profound alternative to the typical five-star resort, offering guests an intimate connection with the environment and community. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Titiru Lodge has achieved significant milestones, including the rebuilding of two overwater bungalows and the dining area, completing 50% of their business goals.

Titiru Lodge in Western province. Photo supplied

However, the journey has not been without its hurdles. One of the most pressing challenges is access to fresh water, as the business relies solely on rainwater. Pana and his team are investing in additional water tanks and creating a robust water storage system to sustain operations year-round.

Looking ahead, Pana has exciting plans for the lodge’s future. He envisions creating a mangrove track to educate visitors on the importance of mangroves, establishing a custom medicine track to revive and apply traditional local medicine, and hosting the Rendova Cultural Festival to bring the island’s people together to share their cultural stories and dances.

Front view of Titiru Eco Lodge in Western province. Photo supplied

Pana’s advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is simple yet profound:

“Start small and build up. Be patient with what you build. Remember that the best products take time to grow.

Take every challenge as a step towards the next big opportunity, and finally, associate yourself with people who you know will help you and teach you as you grow your business.”

For Pana, eco-tourism represents the best path forward for the Solomon Islands, aligning perfectly with conservation and sustainability principles.

By sharing the unique cultural and natural heritage of the Solomon Islands with the world, Pana Paza and his family lodge are paving the way for a brighter, more sustainable future.

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