Tourism Hopes for East Rennell

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OVERSEAS visitors often described East Rennell as one of the most difficult World Heritage Site to reach and also the least for number of visitor arrivals.

Each year, less than 10 visitors from abroad are reported to have visited the site.

Thus to boost tourism development on the natural and rich biodiversity area, Solomon Islands Tourism Division revealed that designs are being created for a specific tourism program at East Rennell.

Permanent Secretary for Ministry of Culture and Tourism Andrew Nihopara briefed a joint United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization- International Union for Conservation of Nature team, and government representatives from Environment, Education who visited the site fortnight ago that one initiatives is to develop East Rennell with hopes to boost the industry.

“We continue to press forward the World Heritage Program as one of the key government agenda.

“There is a need for coordination between lines of government ministries towards the program,” Mr Nihopara said.

“Aim is to secure the East Rennell and remove it from the list of danger sites,” he added.

Mr Nihopara said talks have been made with Rennell Bellona Province Member of Parliament Hon. Dr Tautai Kaitu’u where involvement in the program is identified.

“The MP must be involve in our discussions and act as a focal point.

“In doing so, he will have upper hand to drive the agenda in the political level,” he said.

With the growing discontent from East Rennell communities towards the program, Mr Nihopara posed a reminder that key to opening up any development is connectivity between airport/seaport and East Rennell.

He said Ministry of Infrastructure Development under National Infrastructure Investment Program (NIIP) and the Renbel Provincial Government must reflect these infrastructure improvement in their plans.

A report from the joint reactive monitoring team is expected to be released by World Heritage Centre in September.

Based on the joint team report’s recommendation, the government-established core team will draw up a second cabinet paper to show a renewed commitment to develop the site as a national asset for tourism destination.

Hon. Dr Tautai is supportive of the UNESCO program and vows to put more emphasis to the national government for its development this term.

Source: Government Communications Unit

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