Tulagi Tourism Operators Meet to Discuss Key Priorities for Tourism Development

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TULAGI Tourism Operators on Tuesday 21st September convened a member’s general meeting to update its members on their annual work plan including their medium to a long-term plan.

Chairman of Tulagi Tourism Operators Association, Richard Sapia told Tourism Media that the annual work plan for July 2021 to July 2022 has been revised and approved and that has been updated to its members.

“We update our members on the association’s annual work plan and the medium to long term plan recently approved. We have revised and approved our annual work plan for July 2021 to July 2022,” Mr. Sapia said.

He said in terms of the association’s medium to long-term plans, they have developed one and have approved it last month.

“The medium to long term plans contains major tourism priorities for tourism development in Tulagi.

“It will need the multi-sectoral support that is why we have started our stakeholders’ networking meeting early this month.

“We have met with the premier already and discuss the association’s plans and priorities with the premier. A similar meeting was held with the Tourism division and women leaders in Tulagi. We hope to hold similar meetings with other sectors in Tulagi and at the national level,” Mr. Sapia said.

He further stated that the long-term plan has 7 major goals or 7 key priorities that are important to boost tourism development in Tulagi.

7 major goals are;

1. Regular & safe sea transportation

2. Upgrade of Tulagi wharf and jetty

3. Tulagi road upgrade and ongoing maintenance

4. Public toilet at strategic locations around Tulagi

5. Improvement and maintenance of Tourism sites with signage, paths, railing, and seating

6. Waste management program and education

7. Development of Tulagi seawall

The Chairman of the Tulagi Tourism operators association, Mr. Sapia went on to state that another key area being discussed was membership and compliance.

“We want all our operators to comply with our compliance guidelines. These include valid business registration with company haus and tax identification number with IRD, registration with Tourism Solomons, and business license with the Central provincial government.

“Not only this we encourage our members to comply with the minimum standard policy of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism,” he said.

Mr. Sapia revealed that during their general meeting on Tuesday, the association also approved 5 operators’ applications yesterday who have met the membership requirements.

The operators are:

1. Larmango Resthouse

2. Women’s Resource Center

3. Matemoana Weekender

4. Raiders Dive Lodge

5. Tulagi Tours

“The association executive encourages other members to submit their application with the necessary documents required,” the Chairman reiterated to its members.

Meanwhile, Mr. Sapia the important priority the association will focus on in their annual plan is the Tulagi Challenge 2022.

“We are establishing a Tulagi Challenge planning team and will start the planning for the annual event soon.”

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